Discover Our Journeys with us

Embark on a new adventure filled with unique discoveries. Uncover hidden gems and immerse yourself in diverse cultures. Experience travel in a whole new light - as a friend, not just a visitor. If you like no-nonsense commentary and recommendations you have come to the right place!

We love to travel. Being empty-nesters we also find ourselves with more free time. In addition being, well, older, also presents some unique considerations that we will share.

Come with us as we explore new places and share our experiences. We are a no-frills pair. In a nutshell, we are frugal. Don’t get me wrong, I like a warm safe place to sleep but not in a 5-star Hilton. We would rather spend our money on memories than a glamorous place to just sleep and brush our teeth.

While everyone loves a good, old-fashioned tourist site, we tend to like to explore new places by looking at the outskirts and less touristy areas. We love to wander new neighborhoods, find quaint shops and cafes, and talk with the locals.

We prefer not to rent a car whenever possible and use public transportation to get around anywhere we visit. So far, that hasn’t been an issue. So we will share what we learn about the transit system and how to get around in the various places we visit.

Embark on Your Journey